For a partial listing of our current openings, please go to and enter Amato Legal Search to search for our jobs. You may apply as directed on that site. To apply for all open positions that we currently have, please submit your confidential resume via email. Your resume will not be shared with any prospective employer without your permission. We regret that we cannot assist entry level applicants.
To enhance our ability to assist you and to better enable us to determine if we have any job options for you, please include the following information in your email:
1) Does your current employer know that you are considering a move or is your search confidential?
2) Can you expect an excellent reference from your current employer at the appropriate time?
3) Why do you want to leave your current employment?
4) What type of position are you looking for (law firm/in-house/either)?
5) What are your geographic restrictions?
6) What was your final law school GPA and approximate class standing?
7) What is your current salary (ball park) and do you have a specific salary range that you will consider?
8) What is the reason (briefly) for each job change since graduating from law school?
9) What firms/companies have received your resume during the past year, either directly from you or through another source? (Please note that these employers will be off limits to us and we cannot speak to them on your behalf).
10) Is there a number where we can reach you during the day?